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10 Awesome Reasons Cats Are Way Better Than Boyfriends Or Girlfriends - Cats Galore

10 Awesome Reasons Cats Are Way Better Than Boyfriends Or Girlfriends

The season of love, a.ka. Valentine’s Day may have swept past us, leaving some behind in its wake. If you found yourself feeling a bit blue for missing out on the festivities, worry not. You can still find a companion who offers plenty of love and attention without the need for a romantic partner. Yes, we’re talking about cats.

Cats are natural-born lovers. They know how to charm their owners, and once they have succeeded in seducing them, there’s no turning back. So yes, if you are still feeling lonely because you were not able to celebrate Valentine’s Day, then it’s high time to catch up on the vibe by owning a pet cat.

How do cats do this trick, anyway? Here are 10 awesome reasons to look at:

  1. Cats don’t play with your head.

One of the most frustrating aspects of human relationships can be the mental and emotional games that sometimes take place. This could include passive-aggressive behaviour, giving vague or contradictory responses, or initiating unnecessary conflicts. These actions can cause stress and confusion, leading to a strained relationship. However, these complex mind games are not a concern when it comes to cats.

Cats are simple creatures. They express their desires without ambiguity. When they want to play, they’ll show it by being active and engaging with you. If they want to cuddle, they might rub against you or curl up in your lap. Conversely, when they’re not in the mood for interaction, they’ll make it clear by keeping their distance or finding a quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle. 

There’s no need to guess what they’re thinking or feeling. Cats communicate their needs directly and honestly.

  1. Cats are generous when it comes to giving attention.

Human relationships often involve a delicate balance of give-and-take, especially when it comes to attention and affection. Some people may demand a lot of attention from their partners and make a big fuss if they feel they’re not receiving enough. This can put a strain on the relationship and lead to feelings of resentment or neglect. Cats, however, behave differently.

Unlike the usual human romantic partners who would make a big fuss about giving and asking for attention, cats on the other hand don’t care about you reciprocating with their cuddles. They’ll just go ahead and purr on you when they want to, not necessarily because they know you would cuddle them back.

  1. Cuddling with your kitty doesn’t mean you have to give them more and more.

In human relationships (and even in relationships with dogs), there can sometimes be a sense of obligation to constantly give more and more attention. This can be exhausting and lead to burnout. Fortunately, this is not an issue with cats.

Cats are independent and self-sufficient creatures. They enjoy receiving attention, but they don’t demand it. They’re content with whatever amount of affection you’re able to give. If you stop petting them or need to take a break, they won’t make you feel guilty or beg for more. Instead, they’ll simply go about their business, perhaps finding a comfortable spot to curl up and take a nap.

  1. Cats snore in the cutest way you’d ever know.

Animals do snore, and cats are no exception to that. But unlike sleeping with a partner who snores and you end up awake the whole night because of it, with cats you’d only find yourself awake watching them snore in their slumber. 

What’s more, cats often make cute facial expressions and sounds while they’re sleeping. Watching a cat sleep and listening to its gentle snores can be a soothing and endearing experience, adding another layer of charm to these already adorable creatures.

  1. They don’t compete with you when it comes to using the bathroom.

Living with a partner means you have to schedule your bathroom activities, but this does not apply to cats. Yes, you have your freedom to use the bathroom all you want and they wouldn’t even care. 

Cats are independent creatures with their own designated bathroom spaces, i.e., their litter trays. Unlike cohabitating with a human partner where one might need to schedule bathroom activities, cats allow you complete freedom to use the bathroom as per your will. They respect your space and privacy, making cohabitation harmonious.


  1. Cats tell you when they want something.

As mentioned earlier, cats don’t play mind games. Cats are straightforward animals. They don’t engage in mind games or subtle hints. If they want something, they make it known. Whether they’re in the mood to play, hungry, or require your attention for something else, cats have a way of communicating their needs directly to you. 

This transparent communication style eliminates any guesswork and confusion, making interactions with them stress-free and straightforward.

  1. Cats are content with whatever way you stroke them.

There’s no wrong way to pet a cat. When your feline friend decides to settle onto your lap, you can express your affection in any manner you’re comfortable with. The cat will bask in the moment, enjoying your touch until it either falls asleep or you stop. 

The fact that a cat can fall asleep while being stroked is a testament to your petting skills and the trust the cat places in you. However, it’s worth pointing out that not all cats enjoy the same type of touch. 

Some might prefer gentle strokes along the length of their body, while others may enjoy a good scratch under the chin or behind the ears. It’s important to pay attention to your cat’s signals and adjust your petting style accordingly.

Remember, a cat that’s enjoying your touch will typically have relaxed body language, such as a loose tail and relaxed ears. On the other hand, a cat that’s feeling uncomfortable might flatten its ears, twitch its tail, or even try to move away from you.

  1. Cats help you get rid of stress.

Being in a relationship can indeed be stressful at times, with the constant need to consider another person’s feelings, desires, and needs. While it can also be rewarding and fulfilling, there’s no denying that it comes with its own set of pressures and demands.

On the other hand, cats offer a type of companionship that is relatively hassle-free. They’re content to simply sit on your lap, offering their quiet presence as you unwind after a long day. The act of petting a cat can be therapeutic in itself, with the soft fur under your fingers and the gentle purr in your ears creating a sense of calm and relaxation.

Watching a cat can also be a source of amusement and joy, with their playful antics and curious behaviour. They remind us to take pleasure in the simple things in life and to take moments to just be present and enjoy what’s happening right now.

In many ways, cats can offer a type of companionship that’s different from human relationships, but no less valuable. They provide unconditional love and acceptance, asking for nothing more than your company in return. And sometimes, that’s exactly what we need to help us get rid of stress.

  1. Cats are never clingy.

Cats are known for their independent nature. They value their alone time just as much as they cherish the moments spent with their human companions. This unique trait sets them apart from other pets and is one of the reasons why many people adore them.

A cat’s love is unconditional and uncomplicated. They appreciate you for your presence and the care you provide, without demanding constant attention. This doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy your company. 

On the contrary, they relish the time spent playing or being stroked by you. But they also understand when it’s time to step back. When you stop petting them or need to pause playtime, cats show an impressive level of understanding. 

There are no hard feelings or persistent attempts to regain your attention. Instead, they will calmly acknowledge the change and give you the space you need. They don’t cling or pester, but patiently wait for your return.

  1. Cats bring you presents!

Well, this one is relative. Cats make it a point to bring their loved ones presents, but these may come in the form of the pests that they’ve killed to ensure that your abode is safe, or toys that you thought they lost during playtime. But still, you get a present!

Cats indeed have a unique way of expressing their affection. Although these gifts might seem unconventional, they are a testament to a cat’s way of showing love and care.

Human relationships can be complex and demanding, cats offer a more straightforward form of companionship. Their clear communication, independence, and unique behaviours make them enjoyable and stress-free pets to have around. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance companion that provides unconditional love and affection, a cat might be the perfect choice for you.

So, isn’t it time to get a cat now?

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